What is it that makes a specific behavior pass ? A wiggle, and little dance move thing, we all have seen dogs do goofy things, but what about if they are bred and the puppies are doing the same behaviors ? This is where my brain goes wonky. I, for sure, am looking to have the dog pass on drive, temperament, character ect. When it gets really interesting is when you see a behavior that the father has that passed to the son. There is no contact, so it's completely genetic, and exact. Nexus and Beirut have a few behaviors for example that are exactly the same. Beirut's father is not nearly as tightly bred as Beirut's mother, yet he is more like his father than his mother in a bunch of ways. I am sure there is an explanation for this, because I have been taught two different schools of thought. One, is line breeding should pass over open breeding, and some dogs pass their genetics regardless of type of breeding. Probably could explain this better, but its been a long day. I am sure I will come back to this subject in the future.