I have some thoughts about this for sure. In the GSD, there are a few who see things in the way and just fly over them, while others skid to a stop and would NEVER jump that gate. Do I think this was selective breeding ? Yes, but no. Probably falls under the self limiting catagory. When I was a kid, there were always stories about so and so's German Shepherd who was always jumping the fence. This didn't always end well. Now, a dog has natural jumping ability if they jump at all. Hold a toy up, dog hops up, viola, natural jumping ability. For some of us, the standard is way higher. In ring, the pallisade baffles some dogs. They will absolutely balk at even attempting to jump at the lowest height. People tell me "You have to show them." or, "You have to train them" I go back to Esko and Jin Jin. Esko was doing full height on the pallisade before he was 7 months old. It was no big deal for him, neither was the hurdle at full height, it was the rest of the exercise. "No Esko, go back to place." I tapped the board on the pallisade with a ball and Jin Jin just jumped it. Never worked the jump before this. I think she was about a year old. This is natural jumping ability. If you have to teach them to jump, they don't have it. If they balk at any point, you have no natural ability, and lack of confidence. You are looking for a puppy that at least tries. Ok, well this is what I think about natural jumping ability. I guess I would add that I have had puppies that absolutely jump over stuff without issue, but by far and away, I have puppies that balk, and have to be taught.
